Welcome . . .
Hello to anyone stumbling across this blog! This is my very first blog post on here and I expect no one will read it. Despite that fact, I will explain a little about myself and what the nature of my blog will be.
My name is Ashley. I am 23 years old. Northeastern Illinois is where I live. I have a Bachelors degree in elementary education. With that said, I'm a certified teacher for elementary school, as well as for middle school science and language arts. Currently, I work as a middle school science teacher.
These are all fine and dandy facts about myself, but the important stuff that brings me to this interweb blog is nature and travelling! I have traveled much of the U.S. and I am striving to branch out elsewhere whenever money and time will allow me to. Hiking and camping are my go-to activities when it comes to travelling but I have come to enjoy the cities too.
This blog will be a combination of text posts and videos posted to my Youtube channel, which is Trees and Things. I will post the videos on the blog as well.
You can expect the videos to include lots of pictures and videos of various trails, parks, campgrounds, pretty things, cute wild animals, cities, or anything else neat that I come across whilst travelling.
As far as my text posts go, they will include much more narrative accounts of my adventures. Expect to see maps, links, stories, pictures, reviews, and whatever else. I'm a teacher-- I like to enable people with information so that they can have their very own experience like mine, or at least be able to picture it and be there in their mind!
Expect to see posts and/or videos in the coming future about: Acadia National Park, hiking into the clouds in White Mountain National Forest, being a suburban person navigating New York City, Shawnee National Forest, Chicago, the Adirondacks, Boston, finding beauty in boring places, and who knows what else-- my adventures are ongoing.
Please feel free to subscribe to me, my Youtube channel, my Google+ that I don't use, or whatever you can find me on. Leave comments too! Start a conversation about some good ol' travelling!
For now, have a nice picture from White Mountain National Forest that I took heading toward the Franconia Ridge trail. Much more to come!
My name is Ashley. I am 23 years old. Northeastern Illinois is where I live. I have a Bachelors degree in elementary education. With that said, I'm a certified teacher for elementary school, as well as for middle school science and language arts. Currently, I work as a middle school science teacher.
These are all fine and dandy facts about myself, but the important stuff that brings me to this interweb blog is nature and travelling! I have traveled much of the U.S. and I am striving to branch out elsewhere whenever money and time will allow me to. Hiking and camping are my go-to activities when it comes to travelling but I have come to enjoy the cities too.
This blog will be a combination of text posts and videos posted to my Youtube channel, which is Trees and Things. I will post the videos on the blog as well.
You can expect the videos to include lots of pictures and videos of various trails, parks, campgrounds, pretty things, cute wild animals, cities, or anything else neat that I come across whilst travelling.
As far as my text posts go, they will include much more narrative accounts of my adventures. Expect to see maps, links, stories, pictures, reviews, and whatever else. I'm a teacher-- I like to enable people with information so that they can have their very own experience like mine, or at least be able to picture it and be there in their mind!
Expect to see posts and/or videos in the coming future about: Acadia National Park, hiking into the clouds in White Mountain National Forest, being a suburban person navigating New York City, Shawnee National Forest, Chicago, the Adirondacks, Boston, finding beauty in boring places, and who knows what else-- my adventures are ongoing.
Please feel free to subscribe to me, my Youtube channel, my Google+ that I don't use, or whatever you can find me on. Leave comments too! Start a conversation about some good ol' travelling!
For now, have a nice picture from White Mountain National Forest that I took heading toward the Franconia Ridge trail. Much more to come!
Great start to your blog Ashley. Really looking forward to seeing and hearing about your trips through nature. :)